Personal Narrative: Reflections of 2017

To my network, I express the deepest gratitude. Thank you for DMs of confirmation and Voxers full of collaboration. Thank you for the conference laughs and EdCamp experiences! To my friends and family who listened to me process, debate, toil and analyze- thank you for the hours upon hours of support you have given me. … Continue reading Personal Narrative: Reflections of 2017

Personal Narrative: The power of “JUST” 

The word "just" could be defined as: guided by truth, reason, justice, and fairnessactual, real, or genuine.exactly or precisely. However, when put with defining statements such as, "I'm just a..." or "I can just do...", you have now changed the meaning to a limitation. My perspective of myself, as "just a teacher" has changed drastically … Continue reading Personal Narrative: The power of “JUST” 

Personal Narrative: 5 risks that #changedeverything

Now, I'm not talking about leaving your comfort zones by sky diving or extreme rock climbing (unless that's your thing), but rather putting myself out there for the world to critique. I just reread my very first blog post and a little tear formed in my eye as I reflected on my ambitious goals and … Continue reading Personal Narrative: 5 risks that #changedeverything